基因治疗运动神经元疾病Gene therapy for motor neuron disease


Motor neuron diseases (MNDs) are a group of neurodegenerative disorders characterized by the selective and progressive degeneration of motoneurons. Amongst MNDs, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) are the most common in adults and children, respectively. Past decades of research have provided extensive insights into the pathophysiology of these devastating diseases, but, to date, no cure exists for them. Gene therapy represents a promising approach for treatment of MNDs. The main focus is on the right combination of vector and route of delivery, which is critical for MNDs gene therapy. The aim of our study is to find a safe and efficient scheme for MNDs gene therapy with optimized strategy of peripheral delivery using novel virus vector.

自主行动的神经原理Neural mechanisms of voluntary movements


Voluntary movements are the expression of thought through action and contain planning and execution components. These movements are crucial for the survival of a species. Our understanding of the neural substrates underlying the voluntary movements is still lacking.  In our study, by imaging the neuronal plasticity in freely behavial animals using two photon/miniscope and combining with circuit tracing, opto-genetics and chemical-genetics, we will address: (1) the parallel-ordered circuits to orchestrate multistep voluntary movements ; (2) the functional connections of main regions in multistep voluntary movements; (3) the functional and structural plasticity across different spatial and temporal scales that mediate different step of voluntary movements. Our work will provide crucial information on plausible neuronal substrates contributing to brain reorganization underlying voluntary movements.